Survey Of The Bible

MArch & April 2025

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Consuming Fire

 student ministries

Consuming Fire Student Ministries is a place for young people to come to be changed into the young men and women God wants them to be. It is open to all Middle School and High School students. Below are the meeting times throughout the week.


During the year we also have TRIPS such as:

Winter Retreat (January)

Youth Convention (October)

Summer Camp (June)

(These are sleep-over events)

These are considered "In-House" events which are available to Parkview students only.

Special Summer Outings*

Throughout the summer we will have beach trips, pool events, Museum of the Bible trip, and ice cream outings. Again, Parkview Students only



*We require the youth to attend 50% of Sunday service, Wednesday Bible Study, and Friday Night Youth Service in order participate IN TRIPS  and SUMMER OUTINGS  outings.

Throughout the calendar year we have "Invite nights", which is a perfect time for your student to invite a friend to our Events, such as;

End of School Year Celebration

Back to School Bash

Autumn Blaze

Gobble Fest

Live Nativity

Wednesday Night Small Group

At Parkview Assembly of God


Our Wednesday Night Bible Study is a time were the students take discipleship to a small group setting. The student meet together for games, fellowship and lessons that are both practical and powerful. The students go deeper in their relationships, with both God and each other. 


Friday Nights - Every 1st & 3rd FRIDAY 


At The Delaware Regional Dream Center

310 Ruthar Dr. Newark DE 19711

Fun Friday Night takes place every 3rd Friday. These services are times that challenge each student to take steps to further their relationship with the Lord. These nights include games, worship, a message and lots of other great times. Students make life impacting decision to serve, follow and share God in their schools, homes and every aspect of life. 


In addition to all these regularly scheduled activities, Alive does many trips and activities throughout the year. To stay up to date on all the things happening in Consuming Fire Student Ministry, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Also please take time to look at our calendar.

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