Marriage and Wedding Policies
Qualifications and Approval

We believe the Scriptures teach that marriage is an institution established by God and a lifetime commitment. We also believe an understanding of the biblical foundation for marriage is essential for any couple considering marriage. For those requesting Pre-Marriage Counseling and asking to be married or inquiring about the use of our facilities, we require:
1. Both partners give clear testimony of being born-again believers who personally trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and for eternal life.
2. Both partners be scripturally qualified to marry.
3. Both believing partners be committed to a Christian marriage as defined in the Bible, stating it to be between one man and one woman.
4. Both partners must be willing to complete our Pre marital counseling through Prepare and Enrich .
5. The Bible states that a believer in Christ and an unbeliever are not to be unequally yoked or married; therefore, marriage between a non-believer and a believer will not be performed by any Pastor at ParkView Assembly.
6. If people have been living together for a period of time and have come to repentance and want to be married, they have to be taught the fundamental truth about Christian marriage and be married at an appropriate time.
7. Wedding ceremonies at ParkView Assembly are Christian worship services.
8. The use of the facilities at ParkView Assembly  are strictly restricted for worship services and events that hold Biblical standards.

Pre marital Pre-requisites

The Church Pre-Marriage Counseling is designed to assist the couple in building a Biblical understanding and foundation for their marriage and the following are required:

A marriage application has to be obtained and filled out -please contact our office for that document.

1. Materials that have to be purchased is the applicable book(s) that is required to complete the pre-marriage course “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, or “Sacred Marriage” by Gary Thomas.
2. Take the prepare and enrich marital assessment ($35.00)
3. After completion of the pre-marriage course the couple must see a Pastor who will endeavor to help with any unresolved issues, and review the Prepare and Enrich results.
4. The counseling has to be done by either the officiating Pastor or another Pastor designated by the Senior Pastor .