Christmas Performance

songs - 2024


Boundaries with Kids

By Townsend & Cloud

The Relentless but Rewarding Task of Parenting

A wise friend once rightly observed that parenting is relentless.
Indeed, the task of helping children develop inside them what you, their parents, have been providing on the outside- responsibility, self-control, and freedom is not an easy one. But, based on our clinical training and our more than twenty years of working with families, Boundaries with Kids can help.
We have organized this curriculum around key concepts that will help children take ownership of their lives. These principles arise from our study of the Bible and God's teaching on responsibility, stewardship, and self-control. We believe these principles of boundaries with children are universal, and that they work with kids at all
levels of development. Learning boundaries has a lot to do with going through experiences such as receiving consequences for behavior, taking ownership, and dealing with the boundaries of others. As you learn to require responsibility from your child, your child will learn the value of being responsible.
The boundary-building process begins with you.

Here is the Amazon Link for purchasing the WORKBOOK :



Boundaries with Kids


Parkview KIDS

Here at Parkview Assembly of God we believe that God wants to give a full life to his children of all ages.

God desires to raise up a generation of Spirit Filled children who are excited to love Him and tell about the amazing things He has done! Our desire is to partner with parents in helping children establish a solid Biblical foundation upon which to build their lives.

Our goal is to provide education in God's word with Bible-based teaching at every age level. Additionally, the safety & security of your children are top priorities here. All of our teachers & volunteers undergo strict background checks and training.


Every Sunday at 10:30 AM

Kid's Church Coordinator

Bethany Fussell

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Parkview Kids

For Ages 6 to 11

1st-5th Grade

Kids On The Move, or KOM, is a powerful time for children. KOM is staffed with adults and teenagers alike that want to see these young men and women of God press deeper into His presence. KOM is a service tailored directly to the kids, with games, interactive lessons, skits and so much more fun. In addition to having a great time, these children learn both biblical and life lessons that will stay with them the rest of their lives.

Our current curriculum, 3 Questions, challenges our kids to continually keep three questions in mind as they walk through life.

1. Who am I trying to please? 2. What power am I depending on? 3. What is a true friend?  

These lessons use videos, graphic slides of bible stories, skits, object lessons, and more to help drive home the powerful message.

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For Ages 3 to 5


Our Pre-School class is specifically designed for children ages 3 to 5. During these vital years, these kids are learning and developing many important characteristics and life views. We believe Christ should be a central part of that. These children learn from lessons that created with this age group in mind. They have times of Praise and Worship, an interactive and thoughtful lesson, and so much more fun.

Our current curriculum, Hands On Bible, focuses on many different impactful bible stories. Included in these lessons are: Moses, Easter, Joseph, David and Goliath, Daniel and friends and Jesus.

The children also learn the importance of a relationship with God in their daily lives.

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Ages 18 months to 3 years


Our Toddler room focuses on kids 18 months to 3 years. This upbeat class brings Gods word to a place of understanding for the children to comprehend and apply to their lives. These critical learning year are full of influences all around them, and we pray Christ shines brighter then any other. 

Our current curriculum, See What God Does, is a foundational lesson plan. Teaching true such as: Gods word being truth, God's abilities and characteristics, God caring for them each and so much more.

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Birth to 18 months


A child is never to young to start applying Gods word. That is the emphases of our Infant room. These children are in the beginning phases of their lives and relationships with God. Our dedicated team is prepare to pour into the young souls God has entrusted us with.

Our current curriculum, See What God Made, spends time explaining God and His love for us. In these lessons, the children will learn: Everything God created and why, Who is God, Gods word can be trusted and much more.

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rangers boys Club



Here at Parkview Assembly of God we believe that God wants to give a full life to his children of all ages.

God desires to raise up a generation of Spirit Filled children who are excited to love Him and tell about the amazing things He has done! Our desire is to partner with parents in helping children establish a solid Biblical foundation upon which to build their lives.

Our goal is to provide education in God's word with Bible-based teaching at every age level. Additionally, the safety & security of your children are top priorities here. All of our teachers & volunteers undergo strict background checks and training.


We are prepared to take Royal Rangers to a whole new generation of future men, to the iPod generation.  The iPod has three characteristics important to its users. These same qualities are reflected in Royal Rangers.


Mechanically, every iPod is the same.  It is a robust electronic device designed to deliver high quality music. Royal Rangers is likewise a robust mentoring ministry that shapes future men into godly husbands and fathers and excellent servant leaders in every sphere of life.  Royal Rangers is a tool that men and boys, serving together, can use to evangelize their world, equip the next generation of Christ like men, and empower them to become lifelong servant leaders.\


Functionally, each iPod is unique, reflecting the user’s choices and preferences in music and media.  Royal Rangers is also highly flexible and agile, enabling each outpost to implement our effective discipleship process while reflecting the preferences and practices of its local church leaders to best impact the families in its communities.


An iPod is a device that is highly interconnected with other technologies. In a similar way, Royal Rangers is highly modular and interconnected, a complement to the ministries of any church. Royal Rangers serves as a compliment to other church ministries.


Royal Rangers provides an effective means of discipling boys and young men by utilizing direct personal relationships between men and boys, developed around a core of shared interests and experiences. Activity-based ministries are essential to the spiritual development of boys.




Here at Parkview Assembly of God we believe that God wants to give a full life to his children of all ages. God desires to raise up a generation of Spirit Filled children who are excited to love Him and tell about the amazing things He has done! Our desire is to partner with parents in helping children establish a solid Biblical foundation upon which to build their lives.

Our goal is to provide education in God's word with Bible-based teaching at every age level. Additionally, the safety & security of your children are top priorities here. All of our teachers & volunteers undergo strict background checks and training. 

  • rainbowsclub

    Preschool children ages 3 and up

    Noah’s Ark provides an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages, and games for this preschool club. Rainbows add colorful animal badges to their vests as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Units can be completed in 4 weeks. Only nine units need to be completed each year.


    Pledge: As a Rainbow, I will be a good helper, pleasing Jesus every day.

    Motto: Rainbows are helpers.

    Verse: We are... helpers (2 Corinthians 1:24 KJV).

    Colors: Green and white, which stand for growth and purity.

  • daisiesclub

    For Kindergarten girls

    Darcy, Diana, and Dories (paper dolls) help Daisies make life applications from the Bible stories and principles they learn. Daisies earn colorful badges depicting these club characters as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Four-week units allow visitors to fit in right away. Club sponsors and girls select the nine units they want to complete during the year.


    Pledge: As a Daisy I will be happy, good, and helpful, letting my light shine for Jesus.

    Motto: Daisies tell about Jesus.

    Verse: Let your light... shine (Matthew 5:16 NIV).

    Colors: Yellow and white, which stand for light and purity.

  • primsclub

    For 1st & 2nd grade girls

    Megan, Carmen, Kim, and Tonya guide Prims through life-application stories as the girls learn biblical principles. The Discovery Box stores lesson-related objects to be displayed during lesson time to make learning even more fun. Prims earn colorful badges depicting these club characters as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Units can be completed in 4 weeks. Only 18 units need to be completed in 2 years.


    Pledge: As a Prim, I will be careful of what I say, where I go, and what I do; trying always to be my very best for the Lord Jesus, because I love Him.

    Motto: I will be kind and thoughtful.

    Verse: Be kind... to one another (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).

    Colors: Pink and white, which stand for kindness and purity.

  • starsclub

    For 3rd - 5th grade girls

    Girls make their way up the Stairway of the Stars achievement program as they complete units in the four worlds: The World of Truth (basic Christian doctrine), The World Around You (missions), The World About You (activities), and The World Within You (character development). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading are all a part of completing the achievement program as an Honor Star. Four-week units are supplemented with projects and Adventures.


    Pledge: Having accepted Jesus as my Savior, I will follow Him in service, in testimony, in attitude, and in relationships; striving always to glorify my Lord as a Star.

    Motto: I will follow Jesus.

    Verse: Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. I will praise You... with all my heart; I will glorify Your name forever (Psalm 86:11-12 NIV).

    Colors: Blue and white, which stand for loyalty and purity.